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Wake Boats


Michigan Lakes and Streams Association (MLSA)

Dedicated to the preservation, protection and wise management of Michigan’s vast treasure of inland lakes.


Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) 

Dedicated to helping citizen volunteers monitor indicators of water quality in their lake and document changes in lake quality over time. 


Michigan Chapter of the North American Lake Management Society (McNALMS) 

The purpose of McNALMS is to promote understanding and comprehensive management of Michigan's inland lake ecosystems.


Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership (MILP)

Works to promote collaboration to advance stewardship in Michigan's inland lakes.


Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Inland Lake Monitoring:

This site includes links to Michigan’s Lake Water Quality Assessment Monitoring Program; the Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program; and the Michigan portion of the National Lakes Assessment.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes Water Levels:

This site includes information on current conditions (water levels, water temperatures, and basin conditions), water level forecasts (Weekly Great Lakes Water Level Update, the Monthly Bulletin of Great Lakes Water Levels, and the Great Lakes Connecting Channels and St. Lawrence River Water Levels and Depths forecast) and historical Great Lakes water level data.


Great Lakes water levels from 1918 to the present

This link opens a pdf that contains graphs representing the Great Lakes water levels over time. 


Lake Superior

Lakes Michigan-Huron
Lake Erie
Lake St. Clair

These links open graphs that show the range of predicted water levels over the next six months. In addition, the graphs include the recorded water level in each of the Great Lakes over the past two years, along with the average, maximum and minimum levels since 1918.


Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership (MNSP):

This site includes information about natural shorelines and technologies that benefit lake ecosystems. The Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program (MSSP) is a  program of the MNSP to recognize lake front property owners for maintaining shoreland property in a manner that reduces negative impacts on inland lakes. 


Michigan fish stocking records


Fish Kills:

On this site, MDNR provides information about different types of fish kills, causes, and how to report a fish kill.


Information about harmful algae blooms (HABs):

Information from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The site describes ongoing research and provides brochures, factsheets and answers to many commonly asked questions about HABs.


Copies of 2,700 Michigan inland lake maps


Various maps from Michigan's Geographic Information System (GIS)


Michigan State University Aerial Imagery Archive:

Find and order aerial photographs from the 1920s to the present here. 


Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Aquatic Nuisance Control Program


Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Wetland Inventory maps


Michigan State Climatologist's Office:

Climate information.


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